
Saturday, 29 September 2012

Blaze Ultimate [New Blaze!] CFW For Nokia 5800|5530|523x|X6


Nokia 5800|5530|523x|X6 - RM-356|504|625|588|559 - Blaze Ultimate [New Blaze!]

Experience is the best teacher.

It has scratched Biggest Histories of DM as the Most Wanted Firmware

The Fastest Firmware!

PNHT: For building a platform, for the mods, for the apps, for Everything!

Binh24: For the C6-Ports and icon packs!
LPHS and Team Envy-Unleashed: For making the C6-Structured OFW!

Special thanks to: karanrajpal14, xslicker28x, k4spy, aray_58xm, swapnilwajpe, hamxabajwa, babu.rajiv2007, CDMS, deeps_17 and all others, who helped in making and creating Blaze v2 a hit!

Mods: Upakul, NP and other great modders from DM like babu.rajiv2007

Tested and Helped By: Pyro, kandongango17, 123123qwe, nevinjoseph, vgp, matrix_skopje, saarthak_08, ivan02891, swapnilwajpe and many others. Personal thanks from the team!

Hearty Thanks to:
Venu238, Ankitr96, Shetty_Chadda, Swapnilwajpe and Yonatanl2 for their Special Contribution! 

CMDS: For fixing our famous Browser bug! 
Babu.Rajiv2007: For his patches and Sincere help wherever needed !
deeps_17: For all the exclusive Flash Homescreens and uploading a FW !
F3AR: For all the Splashscreens and Wallpapers !
Amarjit: For always supporting us in the thread !
Help3r: For Helping in the thread and uploading FWs !


And many more! 

Team Blaze Ultimate:
And all of DM! 

Team Wallpaper and Splash Maker:
F3AR and Apex666
All Splashes and Wallpapers made by them. We recommend them for any and every splashscreen/wall you need !!
MAX RAM: 77.70 MB! - Highest Value ever recorded in the History of Nokia S60 v5 Touch!  Tongue
Stable RAM after heavy usage: 68 MB

Some More Screenshots from Users



-- CPU speed Increased
-- Starter files Rectified and modded for a faster boot. Now more RAM on startup!
-- Heap Size Highly Increased for heavy loading and Browsing
-- Kinetic Scrolling is now stabilized and modded. Now scroll thousands of messages with No problems in scrolling at all!
-- Many Speed mods added and CPU speed balanced with Battery usage! Maximum RAM n best Battery backup recorded here on DM !!
-- No app will stay in background at all! Get maximum RAM !
-- System Cache Highly Increased!
-- UI Highly Polished for Smoothness and Performance!


-- Custom Icons by Sir Apex666, known as ApexIcons
-- ApexIcons in Basic (Omnia) HS
-- Premium Characters by Drigz added to Symbols
-- Simple and sober Splash screens added.

[PS: Fabulous work by F3AR. He is a sincere Blazian!  Grin We recommend him for any wallpaper/Splashscreen you want.  Wink]

-- Belle Navibar! by Caciones
-- Changeable Splash and Shutdown screen
Now change your splash and shutdown screen! Exclusive Mod!

Just place your desired splash and shutdown in mif format in C:\resource\apps

Splashscreen: Splashscreen.mif
Shutdown: SysAp.mif
You will have to apply Open4All Patch to copy.

Blaze animation added to E:\Boot\ folder
Now add two boot screens and two tones to your device! In gif and mp3 format !!
Just rename your gif(s) and put in E:\Boot\ folder as follows:
Boot animation 1: Startup.gif
Boot tone 1: Startup.mp3

Boot animation 2: Startup 2.gif
Boot tone 2: Startup 2.mp3

Shutdown animation: Shutdown.gif
Shutdown tone: Shutdown.mp3

-- Custom Theme Effects by Allstar12345
-- With Symbian ^3 Loader!
[PS: Awesome work! I personally recommend him (Allstar12345), for any theme effects you want!  Wink]


-- C5-03 Tap to Unlock Added [Exclusive Mod!]

-- Breathing Light while charging ON (Middle White Light) [Exclusive Mod]

-- Ovi Maps 3.06 with Latest updates! [in the Final]


-- Modded the Menu layout and added a few important folders
-- Using a new 'White' Menu busy circle (See screenshots) by Apex666
-- Conversations icon hidden from Menu
-- Profile and themes now show in 'Tools' folder


-- Center text
-- Extended Menu [Exclusive Mod]
-- Alphanumeric Keyboard by dan-av
-- N8 Qwerty Layout by dan-av
-- 4 row qwerty
Kindly note: Since there are bugs in X6 when using the Keyboard layouts, they are not being used for X6 RM-559.

Music Player

-- Voice Recording Quality increased and set to max
-- Voice Recorder will record up to 1 hour now!
-- Music Player searches only E:\Music\
-- Changed Music Player common background
-- Symbian 3 Equaliser


-- Gallery won’t search Hidden folder. Store all secret things in 'Hidden' Folder.
-- Gallery will search only E:\Images Folder


-- Nokia Browser (Fastest and Latest Browser by Nokia)
-- New overall Browsing Experience by Nokia!
-- Internet and Browsing Cache moved to E:\
-- Browser Cache increased to 35 MB!  Cheesy Now enjoy with more cache!
-- All browser bugs in OFW are now solved ! (Thanks to @CDMS!)
-- Belle buttons and Anna icons in the browser


-- Video Camera Frame Rates Highly Increased
-- Camera image quality set to max!
-- Using Camera RAM mod. Now camera won’t stay in the background and eat RAM after you exit it.

Clock Settings  [Exclusive Mods]

-- Clock set to 24 Hours by default
-- Digital Clock set as default
-- New Clock Fonts used

Light Settings:

-- Light Intensity: 30%
-- Light Time-out: 15sec

Themes added:

-- "Scarlet" (Default) – Code Shadow by Drigz
-- "Cyan" – WP7 by Mayank
-- Blue Drops added to AutoInstaller


-- Bluetooth renamed to ‘Blaze!’
-- Profile renamed to ‘Blaze’
-- Extra Sensor: Tapping Controls added
-- Kinetic Scrolling is much smoother!
-- Custom Versions changed! Check   *#0000#
-- "Restart!" key in place of "Lock Screen and keys" ! Press the Power button n check!
-- No vibration while Lock/Unlock
-- Profile volumes now set to max!


-- Changed Music Player Common Playback Image
-- Kill Me list added
-- Messaging setting: 999 Sent as default
-- 96 Languages support added to Conversations app
-- Auto Creation of folders after flash - Blaze, Boot and thinkchange
-- Default Startup time (setting) after Flash changed!


5 HS added:
 -- 5530 HS
 -- Basic
 -- Finger Use
 -- Full Page
 -- Navigation Bar

-- Basic HS set to default
-- Basic HS icons are Anna
-- Belle Icons on Tsunami HS !  New and Exclusive
Special Thanks to: babu.rajiv2007 and Caciones

-- 5 Flash Live Screens by Deeps_17 added to E:\Blaze\ folder [Exclusive!] Do Check out his thread: Link


Applications added to Rofs2:

-- 4 Exclusive Flash Homescreens added! [Work by deeps_17]
-- File Browser added
-- Conversations app in Messaging with support for over 96 Languages
-- Kill Me v1.36 Integrated
-- BTSwitch Integrated
-- Autoinstaller added
-- RomPatcher+ v3.1 with AutoStart

RomPatcher+ Patches to apply:

CHECK INSTRUCTIONS BEFORE DOWNLOAD AND FLASHING! Apply Patches numbered 1-4 after Flash and Set them to Auto!

Applications added to AutoInstaller:
These apps are optional. Run AutoInstaller after flashing to install these apps. To check the apps before/after install, go to thinkchange folder in memory card.

-- DzMusic Keys v2.00
-- Best Screensnap (Anna)  [Exclusive!]
-- MoreIcons v1.2 by Gabika - This will give you 3 extra icons on the HS. Install it if you like. Or just check n remove.
To change the settings, navigate to Tools >> MoreIcons >> Change the settings. Note that the Phone will Restart after changing the Settings !!

How to Disable/Enable MoreIcons: Link


-- Welcome
-- My Nokia
-- Ovi Store
-- Ovi Sync
-- Ovi Contacts
-- Chat

>> HACK:

-- Real Hack! Installserver Patch by Vova1989 added. Now no QT and Ovi Store bugs!
-- Application Policies for all Apps Rectified
-- All Widgets Security Disabled
-- All Java Permissions removed
-- System File Manager will show all System folders in E:\
-- Nokia Welcome SMS is completely stopped
-- Ram – Eating Ovi Contacts Removed


  Please Check and Read the Instructions before Downloading and flashing. Apply the patches numbered 1-4 after Flash in RomPatcher.

1. Delete the sys, system, private and resource folders from memory card. You can take the Backup of your phone via PC/Ovi Suite
2. Replace the Original binh24's rofs2 with this rofs2.
3. Use the provided uda.

After flashing:
4. Wait for 15 seconds in the Country Selection screen.
5. Do Not Press any key/touch the screen, until the HS appears.
6. Wait for sometime (Say 3-5 Mins) before restarting the phone after the first boot.
7. Don't Reset the phone after flash. If you want to reset, then please read FAQ.
8. Important! After Flashing, Apply patches numbered 1-4 and add them to auto to avoid bugs.

Warning! Not following proper instructions can lead up to a bugged phone! Feel free to pm us or post in the thread.

Download instruction- Click on link, Wait 5seconds then click on
RM 625 - Core | Blaze Files

RM 356 - Core | Blaze Files
RM 559 - CoreUDA | Blaze Files

RM 504 - Core
Rosf2 Password: ankursmooth
Bug Fix - Optional. Copy to E:\Patches folder

RM 588 - CoreBlaze Files

Fix for Nokia 5230 RM-588: HERE. Copy to rofs2 OR use c2z patch.


-- Use of Uda is mandatory! Delete the one from the core n use the one in the rofs2.
-- Password for Core files:  binh24
-- No need to download core if you have it already.

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Unknown said...

sir , i waited 15 secs in country selection screen but the HS did not showed up .so i thought i should probably select now my country and then proceed to the next step. yet the HS did not showed up ? what should i do now? should i wait till HS shows up???

Admin. said...

Go to SD card/ live HS then follow the instruction given in txt file
OR select any other HS from settings

Unknown said...

no sir .. what im trying to tell is after i flash my phone . u said "After flashing:
4. Wait for 15 seconds in the Country Selection screen.
5. Do Not Press any key/touch the screen, until the HS appears..." ..i followed this steps. i waited .but the HS did not appear ..so should i proceed in the next step, which is "6. Wait for sometime (Say 3-5 Mins) before restarting the phone after the first boot." ,even if the HS did not appear?? and what bug will i get if i did not follow this instructions?? thanks for the reply sir . :)

Unknown said...

and sir .. how will i change the 3x4 menu grid of this cfw into 4x5 ? i like your cfw but im scared of getting bugged because of im confused of your instructions.. :/

Admin. said...

@Aldween DelaCruz visit following links

4x5 menu grid :- http://j.mp/YzTdxz


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