
Hack Symbian Phones

1. Symbian hacking with Norton Anti Virus app –

Download Norton Antivirus app from here and install in your phone.

Launch the app and go to “Options/Antivirus/Quarantine list”. 
Now restore all the three files one by one via “Options/Restore”. 
Confirm the action and wait for the process to complete (Quarantine will become empty when the process completes). 
Exit Norton app and uninstall it. Also delete “shared” folder in C:/ drive

Now download and install ROM Patcher+ in your phone from here. Launch it and go to “Options/All patches” select “Apply” and done.

2. Trend-Micro Mobile Security method to hack Symbian phones –

Download this file (archive) 
and extract to C drive (phone memory) of phone using X-plore (or any other file manager like FExplorer or via computer). 

After extraction, there should be a folder named “tmquarantine” in C drive.

Now download Trend Micro Mobile Security app from here and install it in the phone

Launch the app from menu and go to “Options/Quarantine list”. 
There will be three files in the Quarantine, restore all of them via “Options/Restore”, exit the app and uninstall it.
Now download and install ROM Patcher plus in the phone (from the link given in the first hack above).
Launch ROM Patcher and go to “Options/All patches” and select “Apply”. Exit ROM Patcher and done….enjoy installing any unsigned crap….

3. Hacking Symbian phones using UMU Mobile Security app method (not working in Belle) –

Download UMU Mobile Security (Antivirus app) from here and install in your phone.
Launch the app and follow the instructions (internet connection required). 

Accept trial key and other prompts. Set an easy password (like 000). 
Now go to “Options/Antivrus” and then “Quarantine”. 
Now go to “Options/Restore”, confirm the action. Make sure that all the files in Quarantine are restored (either via “Options/Mark all” or one-by-one).
You may now un-install UMU security app (it will ask for the password during un-installation, enter the previously set password).
Now download ROM Patcher from here and install in the phone.
Launch ROM Patcher and go to “Options/All patches”, select “Apply”. Exit ROM Patcher and done.

1. In all such hacks, Antivirus/security apps are used just to place the three .Ldd files (ROM Patcher driver files) inside C:/sys/bin folder. 
Rest of the work is done by ROM Patcher. Also uninstall the security app (but not ROM Patcher) after the process is complete. You may also enable one or all patches in ROM Patcher permanently via “Options/Add to auto” this will automatically enable patches at boot).

2. If the installserver patch does not work for you (as in Symbian Belle), or if red cross appears in ROM Patcher on applying the patch) then download this file (contains hacked installservers for all Symbian S60 versions) and extract the contents, now select and copy the correct “installserver.exe” (according to your phone) and paste in phone’s C:/sys/bin folder (use X-plore to do this). 
Restart the phone and done.

3. Hard reset or formatting of phone will un-hack it and you will have to repeat any of the above process to hack it again. Credit to these hacks goes to Marco Bellino (ll.socio), CODeRUS and some other modders. Thank you guys for making our life easier!

Credit Goes To- Shoieb Siddique



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